Showing 281 - 300 of 439 results. Page: 15 of 22
# Name Origin Meaning Save

281 Philis Greek Green bough. F
282 Philistines Biblical Those who dwell in villages. F
283 Phillida Greek Loving. Can also be a variant of Phyllis: Leafy foliage; green bough. F
284 Phillina Greek Loving. F
285 Phillipa French Loves horses. F
286 Phillipa Greek Feminine form of Philip: Lover of horses. F
287 Phillippa Greek Feminine form of Philip: Lover of horses. F
288 Phillis Greek Loving. Can also be a variant of Phyllis: Leafy foliage; green bough. F
289 Philologus Biblical A lover of letters, or of the word. F

290 Philomel Greek Nightingale. F
291 Philomela Greek Nightingale. F
292 Philomena Greek Greatly loved. F
293 Philomina Greek Greatly loved. F
294 Phlegon Biblical Zealous, burning. F
295 Phoebe Greek The shining one. Mother of Leto. Phoebe was one of the names for the Greek moon goddess. F
296 Phoebe Latin Daughter of Leda. F
297 Phoenice Latin Mother of Torone. F
298 Phoenicia Biblical Red, purple. F
299 Phoenix Greek Heron. F
300 Phrygia Biblical Dry; barren F
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