Showing 221 - 240 of 439 results. Page: 12 of 22
# Name Origin Meaning Save

221 Perry Latin Diminutive of Peregrine: Foreigner; stranger; pilgrim; traveler; wanderer. F
222 Persephone Greek Wife of Hades. F
223 Persephonie Greek Wife of Hades. F
224 Persia Biblical That cuts or divides, a nail, a gryphon, a horseman. F
225 Persis Greek From Persia. F
226 Persis Latin From persia. F
227 Pertunda Latin Juno's surname. F
228 Peruda Biblical Separation, division. F
229 Perzsi Hebrew Devoted to God. F

230 Perzsike Hebrew Devoted to God. F
231 Pesha Greek Born at Easter. F
232 Peta Greek Feminine form of Peter: Stone; rock. F
233 Peta NativeAmerican Golden eagle (Black Foot). F
234 Petra Greek Feminine form of Peter: Stone; rock. F
235 Petra Latin Rock. F
236 Petra Polish Stone. F
237 Petra Swedish Stone. F
238 Petrina Greek Feminine form of Peter: Stone; rock. F
239 Petrine Danish Feminine of Pedar. F
240 Petrine Greek Rock. F
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