Showing 201 - 220 of 439 results. Page: 11 of 22
# Name Origin Meaning Save

201 Pephredo Greek Dread. F
202 Pepita Hebrew Feminine form of Joseph: May Jehovah add and give increase. F
203 Pepita Spanish Spanish feminine form of Joseph: He (God) shall add. F
204 Perahta German Glorious. F
205 Perazim Biblical Divisions. F
206 Perdita Latin Lost. Perdita was the heroine of Shakespeare's play 'The Winter's Tale'. F
207 Perdita Shakespearean 'The Winter's Tale' Daughter to Leontes and Hermione. F
208 Perdix Latin Sister of Daedalus. F
209 Peregrina Latin Wanderer. F

210 Peregrine Latin Foreigner; stranger; pilgrim; traveler; wanderer. F
211 Perez-Uzza Biblical Division of Uzza, or of strength. F
212 Perfecta Spanish Perfect. F
213 Perga Biblical Very earthy. F
214 Pergamos Biblical Height, elevation. F
215 Perida Biblical Separation, division. F
216 Perizzites Biblical Dwelling in villages. F
217 Perke Hebrew Devoted to God. F
218 Pero Latin Mother of Asopus. F
219 Peronel Greek Variant of Petronilla: Rock. Derived from the Roman clan Petronius. F
220 Perpetua Latin Perpetual; continual. F
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