Showing 901 - 920 of 1537 results. Page: 46 of 77
# Name Origin Meaning Save

901 Meghan Greek Pearl. F
902 Meghan Irish Pearl. F
903 Meghan Welsh Pearl. F
904 Megiddo Biblical His precious fruit, declaring a message. F
905 Megiddon Biblical His precious fruit, declaring a message. F
906 Mehadi Indian Flower. F
907 Mehala Hebrew Variant of Mahala: Tenderness; barren. F
908 Mehalah Hebrew Variant of Mahala: Tenderness; barren. F
909 Mehalia Hebrew Variant of Mahala: Tenderness; barren. F

910 Mehar Sikh Blessing of the guru F
911 Meher Sikh Kindness F
912 Mehetabel Biblical How good is God. F
913 Mehetabel Hebrew God benefits. God's favor. F
914 Meheytabel Hebrew God's favor. F
915 Mehida Biblical A riddle, sharpness of wit. F
916 Mehitabel Hebrew Variant of Mehetabel: God benefits. God's favor. F
917 Mehitahelle Hebrew God's favor. F
918 Mehnga Sikh Costly, precious F
919 Mehpreet Sikh Mind filled with love F
920 Meht urt Egyptian Represented by a cow. F
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