Showing 801 - 820 of 1020 results. Page: 41 of 51
# Name Origin Meaning Save

801 Loyce German Renowned warrior. F
802 Loyda Latin Variant of Leda who was the Mythological queen of Sparta and mother of Helen of Troy. F
803 Lsss English Girl. F
804 Lssse English Girl. F
805 Lu'lu Muslim Pearls. Gems.. F
806 Luana German Graceful battle maiden. F
807 Luana Hawaiian Content; happy. F
808 Luane German Graceful battle maiden. F
809 Lubaba Muslim Variant of Lubabah: The innermost essence.. F

810 Lubabah Muslim The innermost essence.. F
811 Lubentia Latin Venus's surname. F
812 Lubmilla Russian Loving. F
813 Lucania Latin Mother of Roma. F
814 Lucas Biblical Luminous, white. F
815 Lucasta English This name was invented by 17th-century British poet Richard Lovelace. His poem of that name was published in 1649. F
816 Luce Shakespearean 'The Comedy of Errors' Adriana's servant. F
817 Lucena Spanish Illumination. Light. Mythological Roman goddess of childbirth and giver of first light to newborns. Also refers to Mary as Lady of the Light. F
818 Luceria Latin Circle of light. F
819 Lucerna Latin Circle of light. F
820 Lucerne Latin Circle of light. F
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