Showing 821 - 840 of 951 results. Page: 42 of 48
# Name Origin Meaning Save

821 Kolena English Variant of Katherine. Pure. F
822 Kolena Greek Variant of Katherine. Pure. F
823 Kolete Greek People's victory. F
824 Kolette Greek People's victory. F
825 Kolina Greek Pure. F
826 Koline Greek Pure. F
827 Kolinka Danish Born to the conquering people. F
828 Komal Sikh Smooth F
829 Konstanza Latin Firm. F

830 Konstanze Latin Firm. F
831 Kontxesi Basque Refers to the Immaculate Conception. F
832 Kore Greek Pure. F
833 Koren Greek Pure. F
834 Kornelia Latin Horn. F
835 Kornelie Latin Horn. F
836 Kort English Variant abbreviation of Sydney. F
837 Kosma Greek Universal. F
838 Kosmo Greek Universal. F
839 Koto Greek Pure. F
840 Krasava Czechoslovakian Beautiful. F
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