Showing 721 - 740 of 951 results. Page: 37 of 48
# Name Origin Meaning Save

721 Kibzaim Biblical Congregation. F
722 Kidron Biblical Obscure, making black or sad. F
723 Kiera Irish Feminine of the Irish Gaelic Kieran. Dusky; dark-haired. F
724 Kieran Sikh Ray of light F
725 Kierat Sikh Dedicated or honest living by hard work F
726 Kigva Welsh Legendary wife of partholon's son. F
727 Kikka German Mistress of all. F
728 Kim English Diminutive of Kimberly: From the wood of the royal forest. From the royal fortress meadow. F
729 Kimberley English Variant of Kimberly: From the wood of the royal forest. From the royal fortress meadow. A surname and place name that can be used for both genders, although it is more commonly used as a girl's name. F

730 Kimberly English From the wood of the royal forest. From the royal fortress meadow. A surname and place name that can be used for both genders, although it is more commonly used as a girl's name. F
731 Kimbra English From the royal fortress meadow. F
732 Kimbro English From the royal field. F
733 Kimbrough English From the royal field. F
734 Kimi NativeAmerican Secret (Algonquin). F
735 Kinborough Gaelic Royal fortress. Commonly used in England until the 18th century, but is used rarely today. F
736 Kindra English Blend of Ken: (royal obligation;clear water) and Sandra: (protector of man) or Andrea: (manly or masculine). F
737 Kineks NativeAmerican Rosebud. F
738 Kineta Greek Active. F
739 Kinetikos Greek Active. F
740 Kinnat Irish Archaic. F
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