Showing 601 - 620 of 951 results. Page: 31 of 48
# Name Origin Meaning Save

601 Kelsy English Brave. F
602 Kelula Hebrew Victorious. F
603 Kelyn Hebrew Beauty. Abbreviation of Kerenhappuch. F
604 Kemena Spanish Strong. F
605 Kemina Spanish Strong. F
606 Kendal English Royal valley, referring to Kent in England. F
607 Kendra Anglo-Saxon Prophetess. F
608 Kendra English Knowledge. Can also be a blend of Ken, meaning royal obligation;clear water, and Sandra, meaning: protector of man, or Andrea, meaning manly or masculine. F
609 Kendria English Blend of Ken, meaning royal obligation;clear water, and Sandra, meaning: protector of man, or Andrea, meaning manly or masculine. F

610 Kendyl English Royal valley, referring to Kent in England. F
611 Kenisha English Feminine variant of Ken, meaning royal obligation;clear water. F
612 Kenites Biblical Possession, purchase, lamentation. F
613 Kenizzites Biblical Possession, purchase. F
614 Kennocha Celtic Lovely. F
615 Kenwei Muslim Water lily.. F
616 Kenzie Scottish The fair one. Abbreviation of McKenzie. F
617 Kenzy Scottish The fair one. Abbreviation of McKenzie. F
618 Kepa Greek Stone. F
619 Kepe Greek Stone. F
620 Kera Irish Dusky; dark. F
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