Showing 581 - 600 of 951 results. Page: 30 of 48
# Name Origin Meaning Save

581 Kelli Irish Lively; aggressive. F
582 Kellie Gaelic Warrior. F
583 Kellie Irish Variant of Kelly: War. Lively. Aggressive. An Irish surname and modern first name. F
584 Kellie Scottish Variant of Kelly: Wood. Surname and place name that has only been used as a first name (either gender) in the latter half of the 20th century. F
585 Kellsey Irish Brave. F
586 Kellsie English Brave. F
587 Kelly Gaelic Warrior. F
588 Kelly Irish War. An Irish surname that has only been used as a first name (either gender) in the latter half of the 20th century. F
589 Kelly Scottish Wood. Surname and place name that has only been used as a first name (either gender) in the latter half of the 20th century. F

590 Kelly Teutonic Born on the farm during the spring. F
591 Kellyanne Gaelic Lively; aggressive. F
592 Kellyanne Irish Lively; aggressive. F
593 Kellye Gaelic Lively; aggressive. F
594 Kellye Irish Lively; aggressive. F
595 Kelsa English Brave. F
596 Kelsee Irish Brave. F
597 Kelsey Irish Brave. F
598 Kelsey Norse From the ship's island. F
599 Kelsi Irish Brave. F
600 Kelsie English Brave. F
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