Showing 561 - 580 of 951 results. Page: 29 of 48
# Name Origin Meaning Save

561 Keisha English Abbreviation of Lakeisha. Great joy. F
562 KeIyn Hebrew Horn. F
563 Keket Egyptian Mythical goddess of darkness. F
564 Keki Norse From the ship's island. F
565 Kelby Gaelic Place by the fountain; spring. F
566 Kelcey English Brave. F
567 Kelcie Irish Brave. F
568 Kelcy Irish Brave. F
569 Kelda Norse Fountain or from the ship's island. F

570 Kelda Scandinavian Spring. Fountain. F
571 Kelemon Welsh Legendary daughter of Kei. F
572 Keleos Greek Flaming. F
573 Kelilah Hebrew Victorious. F
574 Kellan Gaelic Slender; fair. F
575 Kelleigh Gaelic Lively; aggressive. F
576 Kelleigh Irish Lively; aggressive. F
577 Kellen Gaelic Slender; fair. F
578 Kelley Gaelic Lively; aggressive. F
579 Kelley Irish Lively; aggressive. F
580 Kelli Gaelic Lively; aggressive. F
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