Showing 321 - 340 of 951 results. Page: 17 of 48
# Name Origin Meaning Save

321 Karrie Scandinavian Abbreviation of Katherine. Pure. F
322 Karrin Danish Abbreviation of Katherine: pure. F
323 Karrin English Abbreviation of Katherine. Pure. F
324 Kartah Biblical Calling, meeting. F
325 Karuna Indian Compassion. F
326 Kary Scandinavian Abbreviation of Katherine. Pure. F
327 Karyn Danish Abbreviation of Katherine: pure. F
328 Karyn English Abbreviation of Katherine. Pure. F
329 Kasa NativeAmerican Dressed in furs (Hopi). F

330 Kasandra Spanish Variant of Greek Kassandra. Unheeded prophetess. F
331 Kasaundra Greek Variant of Kassandra. Unheeded prophetess. F
332 Kasen Greek Pure. F
333 Kasey English Alert. vigorous. Modern variant of Casey. F
334 Kasey Irish Vigilant. F
335 Kashmir Sanskrit The name of a state in India. F
336 Kashmiri Sikh Belonging to kashmir F
337 Kasi Hindi From Kasi. F
338 Kasia English Alert. vigorous. Modern variant of Casey. F
339 Kasia Greek Pure. F
340 Kasie Irish Alert. vigorous. Modern variant of Casey. F
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