Showing 341 - 360 of 400 results. Page: 18 of 20
# Name Origin Meaning Save

341 Isold Celtic The fair. F
342 Isold German Rule of ice. F
343 Isolda Celtic The fair. F
344 Isolda German Rule of ice. F
345 Isolda Welsh Beautiful. Fair. F
346 Isolde ArthurianLegend Lover of Tristan. F
347 Isolde Celtic The fair. F
348 Isolde German Variant of Isolda: Ice, rule. F
349 Isolde Welsh Variant of Isolda: Beautiful. Fair. F

350 Isole German Rule of ice. F
351 Isoud ArthurianLegend Lover of Tristan. F
352 Isoude ArthurianLegend Lover of Tristan. F
353 Ispah Biblical A jasper stone. F
354 Istas NativeAmerican Snow. F
355 Ita Gaelic Thirsty. F
356 Ita Irish Thirst. Thirsty. F
357 Italy Biblical Abounding with calves or heifers. F
358 Ithmah Biblical An orphan. F
359 Itsaso Spanish Sea. F
360 Ituha NativeAmerican Sturdy oak. F
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