Showing 481 - 500 of 625 results. Page: 25 of 32
# Name Origin Meaning Save

481 Hippolyte Latin Queen of the Amazons. F
482 Hippothoe Latin An Amazon. F
483 Hirah Biblical Liberty, anger. F
484 Hirdai Sikh Heart F
485 Hisolda Irish Irish form of Isolda. F
486 Hittite Biblical One who is broken, who fears. F
487 Hivites Biblical Wicked, wickedness. F
488 Hlif Norse Mother of Atli. F
489 Hlynn English Waterfall. F

490 Hobah Biblical Love, friendship, secrecy. F
491 Hodaiah Biblical The praise of the Lord. F
492 Hodaviah Biblical The praise of the Lord. F
493 Hodesh Biblical A table, news. F
494 Hodiah Biblical The praise of the Lord. F
495 Hodijah Biblical The praise of the Lord. F
496 Hogan Irish Youth Surname.
497 Hohu Sikh Become F
498 Holda German Beloved. F
499 Holda Hebrew Weasel. F
500 Holde German Beloved. F
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