Showing 901 - 920 of 1006 results. Page: 46 of 51
# Name Origin Meaning Save

901 EurolwVn Welsh Legendary daughter of Gwydo!wyn. F
902 Europa Greek Mother of Minos. F
903 Eurybia Latin Amazon. F
904 Eurydice Greek Wife of Orpheus. F
905 Eurydice Latin Wife of Aeneas. F
906 Euryganeia Latin Wife of Oedipus. F
907 Euryle Latin Mother of Orion. F
908 Eurymede Latin Mother of Bellerphon. F
909 Eurynassa Latin Mother of Pelops. F

910 Eurynome Greek Goddess of aIl. F
911 Eurynome Latin Daugbter of Nysus. F
912 Eustacia Greek Feminine form of Eustace: Fruitful, productive. F
913 Eustacia Latin Productive. Feminine of Eustace. F
914 Eustada Latin Tranquil. F
915 Eustella Greek Fair star. F
916 Euterpe Greek Muse of the flute. F
917 Euzebia Polish Pious. F
918 Eva Danish Danish form of Eve. F
919 Eva Hebrew Life. Living one. Variant of Eve. In the bible Eve was Adam's wife and the first woman. F
920 Eva Latin Living one. The Latin form of the Hebrew Eve. Famous bearers: Evangeline, Adolf Hitler's mistress Eva Braun. In the bible Eve was Adam's wife and the first woman. F
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