Showing 801 - 820 of 1006 results. Page: 41 of 51
# Name Origin Meaning Save

801 Estella French Derived from the Old French form of the Latin 'stella' meaning star. Famous bearer: The heroine of Charles Dickens' novel 'Great Expectations'. F
802 Estella Latin Star. F
803 Estella Spanish Star. F
804 Estelle French Star. A variant of Estella. F
805 Estelle Latin Star. F
806 Estephanie Spanish Feminine of Stephan. F
807 Ester Hebrew Star. F
808 Ester Spanish Star. Form of Persian Esther.'Myrtle leaf.' Famous bearer: Ester, a young Biblical Hebrew woman who married the Persian ruler Xerxes and risked her life to save her people. F
809 Esteva Spanish Crowned with laurels. F

810 Esther Biblical Secret, hidden F
811 Esther Hebrew Star. F
812 Esther Persian Star. Refers to the planet venus. Also myrtle leaf. Also a variant of Ishtar, the Babylonian goddess of love. Famous bearer: Old Testament Ester, who became a 5th century Queen of Persia. F
813 Estrela Hebrew Star. F
814 Estrella Spanish Star. F
815 Estrellita Spanish Star. F
816 EsyIlt Welsh Welsh form of Isolda. F
817 Eszter Hebrew Star. F
818 Eszti Hungarian Star. F
819 Etain Celtic A fairy. F
820 Etain Irish Sparkling. F
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