Showing 621 - 640 of 1006 results. Page: 32 of 51
# Name Origin Meaning Save

621 Enit English Fair. F
622 Enit Welsh Woodlark. F
623 Enite ArthurianLegend Faithful or abused wife. F
624 Ennea Greek Born ninth. F
625 Ennis Irish From Ennis. F
626 Enola NativeAmerican Solitary. F
627 Enon Biblical Cloud, mass of darkness, fountain, eye. F
628 Enrhydreg Welsh Legendary daughter of Tuduathar. F
629 Enrica Spanish Rules her household. Feminine of Henry. F

630 Enrica Teutonic Ruler of the home. F
631 Enrichetta Italian Ruler. F
632 Enrika Teutonic Ruler of the home. F
633 Enriqua Spanish Ruler. F
634 Enriqueta Spanish Ruler. F
635 Enriqueta Teutonic Ruler of the home. F
636 Entoria Latin Lover of Satum. F
637 Eny Irish Ardent. F
638 Eny Latin One of the Graeae. F
639 Enyd English Fair. F
640 Enygeus ArthurianLegend Grandmotber of Percival. F
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