Showing 861 - 880 of 902 results. Page: 44 of 46
# Name Origin Meaning Save

861 Duci Hungarian Wealthy gift. F
862 Duclea Latin Sweet. F
863 Duena Spanish Chaperon. F
864 Duha Muslim Variant of Duhr: Forenoon.. F
865 Duhr Muslim Forenoon.. F
866 Dukie Latin Sweet. F
867 Dukine Spanish Sweet. F
868 Dukinea Spanish Sweet. F
869 Dulce Latin Diminutive of Dulcie: Sweet, sweetness. From dulcis, meaning sweet. Also a diminutive of the Middle Ages name Dulcibella. F

870 Dulce Spanish Sweet. F
871 Dulcea Latin Sweet; sweetness. F
872 Dulcia Latin Sweet; sweetness. F
873 Dulcie Latin Sweet; sweetness. F
874 Dulcina Latin Sweet; sweetness. F
875 Dulcina Spanish Sweet. F
876 Dulcine Latin Sweet; sweetness. F
877 Dulcinea Latin Sweet. Sweetness. Dulcinea was the name created by Cervantes's Don Quixote for his idealized lady. F
878 Dulcinea Spanish Sweet. F
879 Dulcinia Spanish Sweet. F
880 Dulcy Latin Sweet; sweetness. F
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