Showing 761 - 780 of 902 results. Page: 39 of 46
# Name Origin Meaning Save

761 Dorcas Greek Gazelle. Famous bearer: The New Testament Dorcas who 'abounded in good deeds and gifts of mercy,' was a charitable woman raised from the dead by St Peter. F
762 Dorcas Shakespearean 'The Winter's Tale' Shepherdess. F
763 Dorcey English Dark. Variant of Darcy. F
764 Dordei Greek Divine gift. F
765 Dordie Greek Divine gift. F
766 Dore French Blonde. F
767 Dorea Greek Of the sea. F
768 Doree Greek Variant of Doris meaning gift. Doris was Mythological daughter of the sea god Oceanus. F
769 Doreen Celtic Moody. F

770 Doreen English Variant of Dorothy or Dorothea, meaning Gift of God. F
771 Doreen French Blonde. F
772 Doreen Gaelic Ann. F
773 Doreen Greek Beautiful. F
774 Doreen Irish A variant of Doirean, derived from a Celtic word meaning sullen. F
775 Doreena Celtic Moody. F
776 Dorelia Greek Gift. F
777 Dorene French Blonde. F
778 Dorene Gaelic Ann. F
779 Doretta Greek Gift. F
780 Dorette English Variant of Dora: Originally a diminutive of Dorothea, Dorothy, or any name ending in -dora. It has become common as a name on its own. Famous bearer: William Wordsworth's daughter was known in later life as Dora. F
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