Showing 701 - 720 of 902 results. Page: 36 of 46
# Name Origin Meaning Save

701 Domele Latin Mistress of the home. F
702 Domenica Spanish Born on Sunday. Of the Lord. F
703 Domenique French Of the Lord. Variant of Dominic. F
704 Domenique Latin Of the Lord. Variant of Dominic. F
705 Domhnall Gaelic Derived from two Celtic words meaning 'world mighty'. F
706 Domhnulla Gaelic Rules all. F
707 Domiduca Latin Juno's surname. F
708 Dominga Spanish Born on Sunday. Of the Lord. F
709 Dominica Irish Name of a saint. F

710 Dominica Latin Feminine form of Dominic: From dominkus, meaning 'of the Lord'. Famous bearer: St Dominic founded the Dominican order of preaching friars. F
711 Dominica Spanish Of the Lord. F
712 Dominika Russian Born on Sunday. F
713 Dominique English Feminine form of Dominick: Lord. F
714 Dominique French The French feminine form of Dominic, meaning of the lord, or belonging to God. F
715 Dominique Latin Belongs to God. Of the Lord. Variant of Dominic. F
716 Domino Latin Lady. F
717 Domitiana Latin Belongs to God. F
718 Domitiane Latin Belongs to God. F
719 Don Anglo-Saxon Mother goddess. F
720 Dona Italian Lady. From the respectful title Donna. F
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