Showing 601 - 620 of 883 results. Page: 31 of 45
# Name Origin Meaning Save

601 Bobbie English Diminutive of Barbara: From the Greek barbaros meaning foreign or strange, traveler from a foreign land. In Catholic custom St. Barbara is a protectress against fire and lightning. F
602 Bochim Biblical The place of weeping, or of mulberry-trees. F
603 Bodgana Polish Gift of God. F
604 Bodiccea Anglo-Saxon A queen of the Iceni: Victory. F
605 Bodicea Anglo-Saxon A queen of the Iceni: Victory. F
606 Bodicia Anglo-Saxon A queen of the Iceni: Victory. F
607 Bodil Norse Fighting woman. F
608 Bodile Norse Fighting woman. F
609 Bodilla Norse Fighting woman. F

610 Bogna Polish Gift of God. F
611 Bohan Biblical In them. F
612 Bohgana Polish Gift of God. F
613 Bolbe Latin A nymph. F
614 Bona Shakespearean 'King Henry the Sixth, Part III' Sister to the French Queen. F
615 Bona Dea Latin Related to the Faunus. F
616 Bonie English Good. F
617 Bonita Spanish Pretty little one. F
618 Bonni Scottish From the French 'bon' meaning good. In Scottish usage 'bonnie' means pretty or charming. F
619 Bonnibelle Scottish From the French 'bon' meaning good. In Scottish usage 'bonnie' means pretty or charming. F
620 Bonnie English Good. F
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