Showing 501 - 520 of 883 results. Page: 26 of 45
# Name Origin Meaning Save

501 Bildad Biblical Old friendship. F
502 Bileam Biblical The ancient of the people, the devourer. F
503 Bilgah Biblical Ancient countenance. F
504 Bilhah Biblical Who is old or confused. F
505 Bilhan Biblical Who is old or confused. F
506 Billie English Determination; strength. A nickname for William. Often combined with other names - Billie-jean and Billie Jo. F
507 Bilqees Muslim Variant of Bilqis: The Queen of Sheba.. F
508 Bilqis Muslim The Queen of Sheba.. F
509 Bilshan Biblical In the tongue. F

510 Bina English Originally a diminutive used for names ending in -bina, like Albina, Columbina, and Robina, now frequently used as an independent name. F
511 Bina Sikh Without F
512 Binajit Sikh Na F
513 Binga German From the kettle shaped hollow. F
514 Binge German From the kettle shaped hollow. F
515 Bint Muslim Daughter. Girl.. F
516 Bir Sikh Brave/fight F
517 Birdena English Contemporary name meaning Little bird. F
518 Birdie English Contemporary name meaning Little bird; birdlike. F
519 Birdine English Contemporary name meaning Little bird. F
520 Birdy English Birdlike. F
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