Showing 101 - 120 of 2307 results. Page: 6 of 116
# Name Origin Meaning Save

101 Achal Sikh Constant, immovable F
102 Acheflow ArthurianLegend White flower. F
103 Achim Biblical Preparing, revenging, confirming. F
104 Achor Biblical Trouble. F
105 Achsah Biblical Adorned, bursting the veil. F
106 Achshaph Biblical Poison, tricks. F
107 Acidalia Latin Named for Venus. F
108 Acnes Greek Chaste. F
109 Acnes Latin Chaste. F

110 Ada African First daughter. (Nigerian). F
111 Ada English Wealthy. Also from the Old German Eda or Etta, meaning happy. Introduced from Germany in the late 18th century. Also a diminutive of Adela, Adelalde, or Adeline. F
112 Ada French Diminutive of Adelaide: Nobility. French form of the Old German Adalheidis, a compound of 'athal' (noble) and 'haida' (hood). Adelaide, the capital of South Australia, was named after Queen Adelaide, 19th century King William IV's consort. F
113 Ada German Diminutive of Adeline and Adela: Sweet or pleasant; of the nobility. Noble. From the Old German 'athal' meaning noble. F
114 Ada Hebrew Ornament. F
115 Ada Teutonic Happy. F
116 Adabel Teutonic Lovely or happy. F
117 Adah African First daughter. (Nigerian). F
118 Adah Hebrew Beautiful. Ornament. The Old Testament wives of Lamech and Esau were named Adah. Used occasionally in English-speaking countries since the 16th century. F
119 Adain Welsh Winged. F
120 Adair Scottish From the oak tree ford. F
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