Showing 1041 - 1060 of 2307 results. Page: 53 of 116
# Name Origin Meaning Save

1041 Amaliji Russian Russian form of Amelia: industrious. F
1042 Amalinder Sikh Pure god F
1043 Amalle German Variant of Amelia: From the Old German Amalburga, meaning labour and the Latin Aemilia. F
1044 Amalthea Greek Woman who nursed Zeus. F
1045 Amalthia Greek Woman who nursed Zeus. F
1046 Amalur Spanish Homeland. F
1047 Amalure Spanish Homeland. F
1048 Aman Biblical Mother; fear of them F
1049 Amana Biblical Integrity, truth, a nurse. F

1050 Amanda English Worthy of being loved. Literary; poets and playwrights brought this name into popular usage in the seventeenth century. F
1051 Amanda Latin Lovable, worthy of love. Some scholars believe this name was invented by 17th century British dramatist Colley Cibber who gave it to a character in his play 'Love's Last Shift.' Noel Coward later named a character Amanda in 'Private Lives'. F
1052 Amanda Spanish Lovable. F
1053 Amandeep Sikh The lamp of peace F
1054 Amandip Sikh The lamp of peace F
1055 Amani Muslim Wishes. Aspirations.. F
1056 Amanjeet Sikh One who attains peace F
1057 Amanjot Sikh Radiating the light of peace F
1058 Amanpreet Sikh One who loves peace F
1059 Amanroop Sikh The embodiment of peace F
1060 Amantha Greek Variant of Amarantha. A flower name. Variant of Samantha. F
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