Showing 81 - 100 of 2307 results. Page: 5 of 116
# Name Origin Meaning Save

81 Abriana Italian Feminine of Abraham. F
82 Abrianna Italian Feminine of Abraham. F
83 Abrielle Italian Feminine of Abraham. F
84 Abrienne Italian Feminine of Abraham. F
85 Abril Spanish The month April; symbolizes spring. F
86 Acacia Biblical Acacia wood was used to build the wilderness Tabernacle. F
87 Acacia Greek Guileless. Honorable. Biblical; acacia wood was used to build the wilderness Tabernacle. F
88 Acacia Spanish Honorable. In the Bible, acacia wood was used to build the wilderness Tabernacle. F
89 Academia Latin Named for Cicero's villa. F

90 Acantha Greek Sharp pointed or thorned. F
91 Acarnania Latin From Arcanania. F
92 Acca Anglo-Saxon From Acca. F
93 Accad Biblical A vessel, pitcher, spark. F
94 Accalia Latin Possibly from the Acca Larentia the shewolf who nursed the twins Remus and Romulus. F
95 Accho Biblical Close, pressed together. F
96 Aceldama Biblical Field of blood. F
97 Aceline French Noble. F
98 Acenath Egyptian Daughter. Biblical - Joseph's Egyptian wife. F
99 Achaia Biblical Grief, trouble. F
100 Achaicus Biblical A native of Achaia, sorrowing, sad. F
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