Showing 901 - 920 of 2307 results. Page: 46 of 116
# Name Origin Meaning Save

901 Alodie Anglo-Saxon Rich. F
902 Aloise Spanish Famous in battle. Feminine of Aloysius. F
903 Aloisia French Feminine form of Aloysius: A French Provincial variant of Louis. Aloysius is the name of the Italian Saint Aloysius of Gonzaga, and common among British Roman Catholics. F
904 Aloisia German Famous fighting. F
905 Aloma Latin Dove. Abbreviation of Paloma. F
906 Alona Basque Refers to the Virgin Mary. F
907 Alona Hebrew Strong as an oak. F
908 Alona Irish Beautiful. Dear child. F
909 Alona Spanish Light. F

910 Alondra Spanish Variant of Alexandra: defender of mankind. F
911 Alonna Irish Beautiful. Dear child. F
912 Alonsa German Eager. F
913 Alonsa Spanish Ready or noble. F
914 Alonza Italian Ready for battle. F
915 Alonza Teutonic Eager for war. F
916 Aloodra Muslim Variant of Aludra: Virgin.. F
917 Aloysia French Feminine form of Aloysius: A French Provincial variant of Louis. Aloysius is the name of the Italian Saint Aloysius of Gonzaga, and common among British Roman Catholics. F
918 Aloysia German Famous fighting. F
919 Aloysia Teutonic Famous in battle. F
920 Alpha Greek 'Firstbom.' The first letter of the Greek alphabet. F
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