Showing 741 - 760 of 2307 results. Page: 38 of 116
# Name Origin Meaning Save

741 Alexis French Feminine form Alexandre. F
742 Alexis Greek Feminine form of Alexander: Defender of men, helper. Alexander the Great was a 4th century Macedonian king for whom the Egyptian city of Alexandria is named. F
743 Alexis Latin Defender of man. F
744 Alexis Russian Defender or helper. F
745 Aleyah Muslim Exalted. Highest social standing.. F
746 Alfdis Norse Spirit. F
747 Alfonsa Spanish Feminine form of Alfonso: noble. F
748 Alfonsa Teutonic Eager for war. F
749 Alfonsine German Noble. F

750 Alfred Teutonic Oracle. F
751 Alfreda English Variant of Elfreda: Elf strength, good counselor. From the Old English name Aelfthryth. Also a feminine form of Alfred, meaning sage, or wise, from the Old English Aelfraed, meaning elf counsel. Also from Ealdfrith or Alfrid, meaning old peace. F
752 Alfreda German Feminine of Alfred. F
753 Alfreda Spanish Feminine form of Alfredo: counsels the elves. F
754 Alfreda Teutonic Oracle. F
755 Alfrida English Elf counselor. F
756 Alfrieda Teutonic Oracle. F
757 Algiana Teutonic Spear. F
758 Algiane Teutonic Spear. F
759 Algoma NativeAmerican Valley of flowers. F
760 Algot Swedish Pearl. F
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