Showing 641 - 660 of 2307 results. Page: 33 of 116
# Name Origin Meaning Save

641 Alda Spanish Wise. Elder. Variant of Aldo. F
642 Alda Teutonic Wealthy. F
643 Aldea Teutonic Wealthy. F
644 Aldene Italian Wise. Elder. Variant of Aldo. F
645 Aldene Spanish Wise. Elder. Variant of Aldo. F
646 Aldercy English Chief. F
647 Aldis English From the old house. F
648 Aldona German Archaic. F
649 Aldona Polish Old. F

650 Aldona Spanish Wise. Elder. Variant of Aldo. F
651 Aldonsa Spanish Nice. F
652 Aldonza Spanish Nice. F
653 Aldora English Noble. F
654 Aldora Greek Winged gift. F
655 Aldreda English Feminine form of Aldred: From the Old English Ealdraed, meaning old counsel. Aldred was common before the Norman Conquest, and revived in the 19th century. Wise or red haired man. F
656 Aldys English From the old house. F
657 Alea Israeli Immigrant to a new home. F
658 Aleah Israeli Immigrant to a new home. F
659 Aleana Israeli Immigrant to a new home. F
660 Alecia Latin Variant of Alice. F
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