Showing 621 - 640 of 2307 results. Page: 32 of 116
# Name Origin Meaning Save

621 Albiona ArthurianLegend White. F
622 Albreda English Introduced into Britain during the Norman Conquest, from an Old German name meaning elf counsel Was originally used for both sexes, but is now regarded as a feminine name. F
623 Albula Latin From the Tiber. F
624 Alcamene Latin Mother of Hercules. F
625 Alcee Italian Famous bearer: Alcine is mistress of alluring enchantments and sensual pleasures in the Orlando poems. F
626 Alcestis Greek Name of a woman who gave her life to save her hushand. F
627 Alcimede Latin Mother of Jason. F
628 Alcina Greek Feminine of Alcinous. F
629 Alcina Italian Famous bearer: Alcine is mistress of alluring enchantments and sensual pleasures in the Orlando poems. F

630 Alcine Italian Famous bearer: Alcine is mistress of alluring enchantments and sensual pleasures in the Orlando poems. F
631 Alcinia Italian Famous bearer: Alcine is mistress of alluring enchantments and sensual pleasures in the Orlando poems. F
632 Alcippe Greek Daughter of Ares. F
633 Alcippe Latin Mighty mare. F
634 Alcmena Latin Mother of Hercules. F
635 Alcmene Greek Mother of Hercules. F
636 Alcumena Latin Mother of Hercules. F
637 Alcyone Greek Daughter of Aeolus. F
638 Alcyoneus Greek Fought against Athene. F
639 Alda German Feminine form of Aldo: Originally an Old German name meaning old. Popular in Italy and among North American families of Italian descent. Aldo was an 8th century saint. F
640 Alda Italian Wise. Elder. Variant of Aldo. F
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