Showing 521 - 540 of 592 results. Page: 27 of 30
# Name Origin Meaning Save

521 Woolcott English Lives in Wolfe's cottage. M
522 Woolsey English Victorious wolf. M
523 Worcester English From the alder forest army camp. M
524 Worcester Shakespearean 'King Henry IV, Part 1' Thomas Percy, Earl of Worcester. M
525 Worden English Defender or guard. M
526 Wordsworth English World guardian. M
527 Worrell English From the true man's manor. M
528 Worth English From the farm. M
529 Worthington Anglo-Saxon From the river's side. M

530 Worton English From the vegetable farm. M
531 Woudman Dutch Forester. M
532 Wouter Teutonic Strong fighter. M
533 Wray Norse From the corner property. M
534 Wregan Anglo-Saxon Accuses. M
535 Wren Welsh Ruler. M
536 Wright Anglo-Saxon Tradesman. M
537 Wright English Craftsman. M
538 Wryhta English Craftsman. M
539 Wselfwulf Anglo-Saxon Wolf of slaughter. M
540 Wudoweard English Forester. M
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