Showing 461 - 480 of 592 results. Page: 24 of 30
# Name Origin Meaning Save

461 Winn Welsh Handsome. M
462 Winnie English Diminutive of Winston: From Wine's town; from a friend's town. Famous Bearer: Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965), World War II British statesman. M
463 Winslow English Stone marker of friendship. Surname. M
464 Winslowe English From Wine's hill. M
465 Winsor English From Windsor. M
466 Winsor Teutonic From the bend of the river. M
467 Winston English From Wine's town; from a friend's town. Famous Bearer: Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965), World War II British statesman. M
468 Winswode English From Wine's forest. M
469 Wintanweorth English From the white one's estate. M

470 Winter Anglo-Saxon Year. M
471 Winter English Born in the winter. M
472 Winthorp English From Wine's estate. M
473 Winthrop English Friend's village; friend's farm; from Wine's estate. M
474 Winthrop Teutonic From the friendly village. M
475 Winton English From Wine's farm. M
476 Winward English From Wine's forest. M
477 Winwodem English From Wine's forest. M
478 Winwood English From Wine's forest. M
479 Wiraathat Muslim Variant of Wirathat: Inheritance. Legacy.. M
480 Wirathat Muslim Inheritance. Legacy.. M
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