Showing 281 - 300 of 592 results. Page: 15 of 30
# Name Origin Meaning Save

281 West English West town. Surname. M
282 Westbroc English From the west brook. M
283 Westbrook English From the west brook. M
284 Westby English From the west farm. M
285 Westcot English From the west cottage. M
286 Westcott English From the west cottage. M
287 Westen English West town. Surname. M
288 Westin English West town. Surname. M
289 Westleah English From the west meadow. M

290 Westley English From the west meadow. M
291 Westminster Shakespearean 'King Richard The Second' Abbot of Westminster. M
292 Westmoreland Shakespearean 'King Henry IV, Part 1 and 2' Henry V. Earl of Westmoreland, one of the King's party. 'King Henry the Sixth, Part III' Earl of Westmoreland. M
293 Weston English West town. Surname. M
294 Westun English From the west. M
295 Wetherby English From the wether sheep farm. M
296 Wetherly English From the wether sheep meadow. M
297 Wethrby English From the wether sheep farm. M
298 Wethrleah English From the wether sheep meadow. M
299 Wevers Dutch Weaver. M
300 Weyland English From the land by the highway. M
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