Showing 1221 - 1240 of 1577 results. Page: 62 of 79
# Name Origin Meaning Save

1221 Southwell English From the south spring. M
1222 Southwell Shakespearean 'Henry VI, Part 2' John Southwell, a priest. M
1223 Sowi'ngwa NativeAmerican Black - tailed deer (Hopi). M
1224 Spain Biblical Rare, precious. M
1225 Spalding English From the split meadow. M
1226 Spangler German Tinsmith. M
1227 Spark English Gallant. M
1228 Sparke English Gallant. M
1229 Spear English Spear. M

1230 Sped English Success. M
1231 Speed English Success. M
1232 Speed Shakespearean 'Two Gentlemen of Verona' A clownish servant to Valentine. M
1233 Spelding English From the split meadow. M
1234 Spence English Dispenser; provider. M
1235 Spencer English Keeper of provisions. Famous Bearer: actor Spencer Tracy (1900-1967). M
1236 Spengler German Tinsmith. M
1237 Spenser English Dispenser; provider. M
1238 Spere English Spear. M
1239 Sprague Teutonic Alert. M
1240 Sproul English Active. M
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