Showing 1141 - 1160 of 1577 results. Page: 58 of 79
# Name Origin Meaning Save

1141 Slavik Slavic Military glory. M
1142 Slavin Gaelic Mountain. M
1143 Slavochka Slavic Glory. M
1144 Slayton English From the valley farm. M
1145 Slean Anglo-Saxon Strikes. M
1146 Slecg Anglo-Saxon Hammer. M
1147 Slender Shakespearean 'The Merry Wives of Windsor' Cousin to Shallow. M
1148 Sleven Gaelic Mountain. M
1149 Slevin Gaelic Mountain. M

1150 Slevyn Gaelic Mountain. M
1151 Sloan Celtic Fighter. M
1152 Sloan Gaelic Warrior. M
1153 Sloan Scottish Fighter; warrior. Surname. M
1154 Sloane Celtic Fighter. M
1155 Sloane Gaelic Warrior. M
1156 Sly Shakespearean 'King Richard III' Christopher Urswick, a priest. 'The Taming of the Shrew' Christopher Sly, a tinker. M
1157 Smedley English From the flat meadow. M
1158 Smedt Dutch Smith. M
1159 Smetheleah English From the flat meadow. M
1160 Smid Dutch Smith. M
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