Showing 341 - 360 of 1166 results. Page: 18 of 59
# Name Origin Meaning Save

341 Ray Scottish Grace. M
342 Rayce English Counselor. Variant of Raymond. M
343 Rayce French Counselor. Variant of Raymond. M
344 Rayder English Counselor. Variant of Raymond. M
345 Rayder French Counselor. Variant of Raymond. M
346 Raydon English Counselor. Variant of Raymond. M
347 Raydon French Counselor. Variant of Raymond. M
348 Rayford English Counselor. Variant of Raymond. M
349 Rayford French Counselor. Variant of Raymond. M

350 Rayhourne English From the deer's stream. M
351 Rayhurn English From the deer's stream. M
352 Raylen English Counselor. Variant of Raymond. M
353 Raylen French Counselor. Variant of Raymond. M
354 Rayman Spanish Form of Raymond 'Guards wisely.'. M
355 Raymon Spanish Form of Raymond 'Guards wisely.'. M
356 Raymond French Guards wisely. M
357 Raymond German Counsel; mighty protection; guards wisely. M
358 Raymond Teutonic Wise protector. M
359 Raymund French Guards wisely. M
360 Raymund German Guards wisely. M
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