Showing 421 - 440 of 789 results. Page: 22 of 40
# Name Origin Meaning Save

421 Peruda Biblical Separation, division. M
422 Perye English From the pear tree. M
423 Pesach Hebrew Spread. M
424 Pessach Hebrew Spread. M
425 Pete English A rock. Form of Peter. M
426 Pete Greek Diminutive of Peter: Stone; rock. M
427 Petenka Russian Stone. M
428 Peter Biblical A rock or stone M
429 Peter English A rock. Peter the biblical fisherman and apostle had impulsive nature and rocklike faith. In Catholic tradition he is the first pope. M

430 Peter Greek Stone; rock. M
431 Peter Shakespearean 'King Henry IV, Part 2' Peter Bullcalf, a country soldier. 'Henry VI, Part 2' Thomas Horner's man. 'King John' Peter of Pomfret, a prophet. 'Measure for Measure' A friar. 'The Tragedy of Romeo And Juliet' Servant to Juliet's nurse. M
432 Peterka Czechoslovakian Stone. M
433 Peterke Greek Rock. M
434 Peterke Hungarian Hungarian form of Peter 'rock'. M
435 Peterson English A rock. Form of Peter. M
436 Petey Greek Diminutive of Peter: Stone; rock. M
437 Pethahiah Biblical The Lord opening; gate of the Lord M
438 Pethuel Biblical Mouth of God; persuasion of God M
439 Petnrkas Greek Rock. M
440 Peto Shakespearean 'King Henry IV, Part 1 and 2' An irregular humorist. M
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