Showing 261 - 280 of 789 results. Page: 14 of 40
# Name Origin Meaning Save

261 Paxon Teutonic Trader. M
262 Paxton English From the peaceful farm. M
263 Paxton Teutonic Trader. M
264 Paxtun English From the peaceful farm. M
265 Pay NativeAmerican He is coming. M
266 Payat NativeAmerican He is coming. M
267 Payatt NativeAmerican He is coming. M
268 Payden English From the fighter's farm. M
269 Payne English Pagan. M

270 Payne Latin Rustic. M
271 Paytah NativeAmerican Fire (Sioux). M
272 Payton English From the fighter's farm. M
273 Payton Irish Patrician; noble. Form of Patrick. M
274 Payton Latin Regal. M
275 Payton Scottish Royal. M
276 Paz Hebrew Golden. M
277 Paz Spanish Peace. M
278 Peada Anglo-Saxon Name of a prince. M
279 Peadair Greek Rock. M
280 Peadar Gaelic Gaelic form of Peter. M
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