Showing 861 - 880 of 1551 results. Page: 44 of 78
# Name Origin Meaning Save

861 Meldrick English From the powerful mill. M
862 Meldrik English From the powerful mill. M
863 Meldryk English From the powerful mill. M
864 Melea Biblical Supplying, supplied. M
865 Meleagant ArthurianLegend Kidnapped Guinevere. M
866 Meleager Greek An Argonaut. M
867 Melecertes Greek Son of Ino. M
868 Melech Biblical King; counselor M
869 Melechan ArthurianLegend Mordred's son. M

870 Meliadus ArthurianLegend Tristan's father. M
871 Meliodas ArthurianLegend Tristan's father. M
872 Melita Biblical Affording honey. M
873 Meliza Greek Bee. Melissa was Mythological princess of Crete who was transformed to a bee after learning how to collect honey. M
874 Melker Swedish King. M
875 Mellicu Biblical His kingdom; his counselor M
876 Melrone Irish Serves Saint Ruadhan. M
877 Melun Shakespearean 'King JOHN' A French lord. M
878 Melville Celtic Leader. M
879 Melville French From Malleville. M
880 Melville Scottish A Scottish surname based on a French place name. M
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