Showing 841 - 860 of 1551 results. Page: 43 of 78
# Name Origin Meaning Save

841 Mejarkon Biblical The waters of Jordan. M
842 Mekledoodum NativeAmerican Conceited (Algonquin). M
843 Mekonah Biblical A foot of a pillar, provision. M
844 Mel English Meaning uncertain but possibly 'friend of Michael.'. M
845 Melaina Greek Dark. M
846 Melampus Greek Seer. M
847 Melanippus Greek Helps defend Thebes against the attackers. M
848 Melanthius Greek Sides with Penelope's suitors against his master Odysseus. M
849 Melatiah Biblical Deliverance of the Lord. M

850 Melborn English From the mill stream. M
851 Melbourne English From the mill stream. M
852 Melburn English From the mill stream. M
853 Melbyrne English From the mill stream. M
854 Melchi Biblical My king; my counsel M
855 Melchi-shua Biblical King of health; magnificent king M
856 Melchiah Biblical God is my king M
857 Melchior Persian King. M
858 Melchizedek Biblical King of justice M
859 Melchoir Hebrew King. M
860 Meldon English From the hillside mill. M
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