Showing 781 - 800 of 1551 results. Page: 40 of 78
# Name Origin Meaning Save

781 Maynor German Powerful. M
782 Mayo Gaelic Lives near the yew trees. M
783 Mayor Latin Great. M
784 Maysarah Muslim Ease. Comfort.. M
785 Maza blaska NativeAmerican Flat iron (Dakota). M
786 Mazaahir Muslim Variant of Mazahir: Exteriors. Appearances.. M
787 Mazahir Muslim Exteriors. Appearances.. M
788 Mazhar Muslim Phenomenon. Manifestation.. M
789 Mazin Muslim Proper name.. M

790 Mazzaroth Biblical The twelve signs of the zodiac. M
791 Mbizi Egyptian Water. M
792 McCloud Scottish Son of the ugly man. M
793 Mccoy Irish Surname. M
794 Mead English From the meadow. M
795 Meade English Honey wine. Meadow. M
796 Meade Irish Honey wine or meadow. M
797 Meadhra Irish Happy. M
798 Meah Biblical A hundred cubits. M
799 Mealcoluim Scottish Follower of Saint Columba. M
800 Meara Irish Happy. M
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