Showing 581 - 600 of 1551 results. Page: 30 of 78
# Name Origin Meaning Save

581 Marston English From the farm by the pool 'Town near the marsh.'. M
582 Marsyas Greek A satyr. M
583 Martainn Gaelic Warlike. M
584 Martel German Warrior of Mars. M
585 Martel Latin Warring. M
586 Martell German Warrior of Mars. M
587 Marten Scandinavian Warrior of Mars. M
588 Martext Shakespearean As You Like It' Son of Sir Rowland de Boys. As You Like It' Sir Oliver Martext, a vicar. M
589 Marti Swiss Warrior of Mars. M

590 Martial Latin Warring. M
591 Martin English Warrior of Mars. M
592 Martin Latin Of Mars (the Roman god of war); warlike. Famous Bearer: black civil-rights leader Martin Luther King. M
593 Martin Spanish Warring. M
594 Martinek Czechoslovakian Warring. M
595 Martinez Spanish Warring. M
596 Martinien Latin Warring. M
597 Martino Italian Warrior of Mars. M
598 Martino Latin Warring. M
599 Martino Spanish Warring. M
600 Martinus Italian Warrior of Mars. M
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