Showing 361 - 380 of 1551 results. Page: 19 of 78
# Name Origin Meaning Save

361 Mane Irish Great. M
362 Manfa'at Muslim Profit. Useful service.. M
363 Manfred English Hero's peace. M
364 Manfred German Man of peace. Peaceful. M
365 Manfred Swedish Peaceful. M
366 Manfred Teutonic Mighty peace. M
367 Manfrid English Hero's peace. M
368 Manfrid Teutonic Mighty peace. M
369 Manfried German Peaceful. M

370 Manfrit German Peaceful. M
371 Mani Norse Father of Ketil. M
372 Manley English Manly. Masculine. From the hero's meadow. M
373 Manly English From the hero's meadow. M
374 Manmohan Sikh Winner of the heart M
375 Mann Anglo-Saxon Vassal. M
376 Mann English Hero. M
377 Mannaan Muslim Variant of Mannan: Benefactor. Bountiful.. M
378 Mannan Muslim Benefactor. Bountiful.. M
379 Manneville French From the great estate. M
380 Mannie Spanish A form of Emmanuel 'God is with us'. M
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