Showing 141 - 160 of 975 results. Page: 8 of 49
# Name Origin Meaning Save

141 Jalal Muslim Variant of Jelal: Loftiness. Sublimity. Glory. Also grandeur, glory, Glory of the Faith.. M
142 Jalaluddin Muslim Variant of Jelaluddin: Glory of the Faith.. M
143 Jalees Muslim Variant of Jalis: Table companion. Associate.. M
144 Jalib Muslim Motive. Cause.. M
145 Jalis Muslim Table companion. Associate.. M
146 Jalon Biblical Tarrying, murmuring. M
147 Jamaal Arabic Handsome. M
148 Jamaal Muslim Variant of Jamal: Beauty. Grace.. M
149 Jamaaluddin Muslim Variant of Jamaludin: Beauty of the Faith.. M

150 Jamaaludeen Muslim Variant of Jamaludin: Beauty of the Faith.. M
151 Jamael Arabic Handsome. M
152 Jamahl Arabic Handsome. M
153 Jamail Sikh Glory with the union of god M
154 Jamal Arabic Handsome. M
155 Jamal Muslim Beauty. Grace.. M
156 Jamall Arabic Handsome. M
157 Jamaludin Muslim Beauty of the Faith.. M
158 Jambha Indian Jaws. M
159 Jambhala Indian God of wealth. M
160 Jambres Biblical Poverty, bitter, a rebel. M
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