Showing 641 - 660 of 1128 results. Page: 33 of 57
# Name Origin Meaning Save

641 Henrick Scandinavian Rules his household. Variant of Henry. M
642 Henrik Danish Danish form of Henry. M
643 Henrik Scandinavian Rules his household. Variant of Henry. M
644 Henrik Swedish Swedish form of Henry 'rules the home'. M
645 Henrik Teutonic Rules an estate. M
646 Henry English 'Rules his household.' Oft-used English and French royal name. The second son of Charles Prince of Wales is named Henry. M
647 Henry French Rules the home. M
648 Henry German Rules his household. Oft-used English and French royal name. The second son of Charles Prince of Wales is named Henry. M
649 Henry Shakespearean 'Richard II' Henry Bolingbroke, later 'Henry IV" Hal, later 'Henry V'. 'Henry VI'. Henry, Earl of Richmond. 'Henry VIII' King, & Sir Henry Guildford. 'King John' Prince Henry. 'Henry IV' & 'Richard II' Henry Percy, Hotspur. 'Richard III' Henry VII. M

650 Henryk Polish Polish form of Henry 'rules the home'. M
651 Henryk Teutonic Rules an estate. M
652 Henson Scottish Son of Henry. M
653 Henty Teutonic Rules an estate. M
654 Henwas Celtic Mythical brother of Henbeddestr. M
655 Heolstor Anglo-Saxon Darkness. M
656 Heorhiy Ukrainian Farmer. M
657 Heorot Anglo-Saxon Deer. M
658 Heort English Stag. M
659 Heortwiella English Lives near the stag's spring. M
660 Heortwode English From the stag's forest. M
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