Showing 121 - 140 of 1099 results. Page: 7 of 55
# Name Origin Meaning Save

121 Gaothaire Gaelic Free wind. M
122 Gar Anglo-Saxon Spear. M
123 Gar English Spear. M
124 Gara Irish Mastiff. M
125 Garabed Armenian Forerunner. M
126 Garaden English From the three cornered hill. M
127 Garadin English From the three cornered hill. M
128 Garadun English From the three cornered hill. M
129 Garadyn English From the three cornered hill. M

130 Garafeld English From the triangular field. M
131 Garai Egyptian Settled. M
132 Garai Latin Conqueror. M
133 Garan French Guards; guardian. M
134 Garan German Guards; guardian. M
135 Garanhon Welsh Legendary son of GIythvyr. M
136 Garanwyn Welsh White shank. M
137 Garatun English Lives in the triangular farm stead. M
138 Garberend Anglo-Saxon Spear bearer. M
139 Garbhach Gaelic Rough. M
140 Garbhan Gaelic Rough. M
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