Showing 501 - 520 of 1145 results. Page: 26 of 58
# Name Origin Meaning Save

501 Elliot English God on high; my God is Jehovah. From a surname derived from a medieval abbreviation of the Greek Elias. Variant of Elijah. M
502 Elliot French Believes in God. M
503 Elliot Greek Variant of Elias: The Greek form of the Hebrew Elijah, meaning Jehovah is God. M
504 Elliot Scottish Old Welshman. M
505 Elliott English Variant of Elliot: God on high; my God is Jehovah. From a surname derived from a medieval abbreviation of the Greek Elias. Variant of Elijah. M
506 Elliott Greek Variant of Elias: The Greek form of the Hebrew Elijah, meaning Jehovah is God. M
507 Ellis English My God is Jehovah. From a surname derived from a medieval variant of Elias from Elijah. M
508 Ellis Greek Variant of Elias: The Greek form of the Hebrew Elijah, meaning Jehovah is God. M
509 Ellis Hebrew Variant of Elijah: The Lord is my God. M

510 Ellison English Son of Elder. M
511 Elliston English Variant of Elias from Elijah 'My God is Jehovah.'. M
512 Ellmelech Hebrew God is King. M
513 Ellmer English Variant of Elmer: Noble. M
514 Ellston English Variant of Elston: From the farm. M
515 Ellswerth English Variant of Ellsworth: Great man's home. M
516 Ellsworth English Great man's home. M
517 Ellwood English From the old forest. M
518 Ellyson English Variant of Ellison: Ellis' son. M
519 Elman German Elm (tree). M
520 Elmar Teutonic Awe inspiring. M
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