Showing 1481 - 1500 of 3166 results. Page: 75 of 159
# Name Origin Meaning Save

1481 Alois German Famous warrior. M
1482 Aloisi Hawaiian Variant of Aloiki: Renowned war. M
1483 Alok Sikh Light M
1484 Alon English Variant of Alan: Fair; handsome. Also both a diminutive of Albert (noble, bright) and an abbreviation of names beginning with Al-. M
1485 Alon Hebrew Oak. M
1486 Alonso German Variant of Alphonso: From Old German Adalfuns meaning noble-ready. Common in Spain since the 7th century. M
1487 Alonso Italian Form of Alphonse: see Alfonso. M
1488 Alonso Shakespearean 'The Tempest' Alonso, King of Naples. M
1489 Alonso Spanish Eager for battle; Form of Alphonse: see Alfonso. M

1490 Alonso Teutonic Eager for war. M
1491 Alonzo German Ready for a fight. M
1492 Alonzo Italian Form of Alphonse: see Alfonso. M
1493 Alonzo Spanish Eager for battle. M
1494 Alonzo Teutonic Eager for war. M
1495 Aloyoshenka Russian Defends mankind. M
1496 Aloys Teutonic Famous in war. M
1497 Aloysha Russian Defends mankind. M
1498 Aloysius French Variant of Louis: Famous warrior, from the Old German 'Chlodovech'. Aloysius is the name of the Italian Saint Aloysius of Gonzaga, and common among British Roman Catholics. M
1499 Aloysius Teutonic Famous in war. M
1500 Alpheus Biblical A thousand; learned; chief M
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