Showing 1441 - 1460 of 3166 results. Page: 73 of 159
# Name Origin Meaning Save

1441 Allard French Brave; noble. M
1442 Allard Teutonic Resolute. M
1443 Allayne English Variant of Alan: Fair; handsome. Also both a diminutive of Albert (noble, bright) and an abbreviation of names beginning with Al-. M
1444 Alleluia Biblical Praise the Lord M
1445 Allen Celtic Harmony, stone, or noble. Also fair, handsome. Originally a saint's name, it was reintroduced to Britain during the Norman Conquest, remained popular throughout the Middle Ages, and was revived in the 19th century. M
1446 Allen English Variant of Alan: Fair; handsome. Also both a diminutive of Albert (noble, bright) and an abbreviation of names beginning with Al-. M
1447 Alleyn English Variant of Alan: Fair; handsome. Also both a diminutive of Albert (noble, bright) and an abbreviation of names beginning with Al-. M
1448 Alleyne English Variant of Alan: Fair; handsome. Also both a diminutive of Albert (noble, bright) and an abbreviation of names beginning with Al-. M
1449 Allie Celtic Diminutive of Alan: Harmony, stone, or noble. Also fair, handsome. Originally a saint's name, it was reintroduced to Britain during the Norman Conquest, remained popular throughout the Middle Ages, and was revived in the 19th century. M

1450 Allie Gaelic Diminutive of Alistair: A Scottish Gaelic variant of Alexander from the Greek meaning defender of man. M
1451 Allin English Variant of Alan: Fair; handsome. Also both a diminutive of Albert (noble, bright) and an abbreviation of names beginning with Al-. M
1452 Allison Teutonic Of holy fame. M
1453 Allissandre Greek Variant of Alexander: Defender; protector of mankind. Famous Bearer: Alexander the Great. M
1454 Allistair Greek Variant of Alexander: Defender; protector of mankind. Famous Bearer: Alexander the Great. M
1455 Allister Gaelic Defender of man. M
1456 Allister Greek Variant of Alexander: Defender; protector of mankind. Famous Bearer: Alexander the Great. M
1457 Allister Scottish Variant of Alexander 'defender of mankind.'. M
1458 Allistir Greek Variant of Alexander: Defender; protector of mankind. Famous Bearer: Alexander the Great. M
1459 Allon Biblical An oak; strong M
1460 Allon English Variant of Alan: Fair; handsome. Also both a diminutive of Albert (noble, bright) and an abbreviation of names beginning with Al-. M
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