Showing 1381 - 1400 of 3166 results. Page: 70 of 159
# Name Origin Meaning Save

1381 Algar Anglo-Saxon Noble spearman. M
1382 Algar English From the Old English name Aelfgar, meaning elf spear. Algar was common in the Middle Ages, and developed into the surname Elgar. M
1383 Alger Anglo-Saxon Noble spearman. M
1384 Alger English Variant of Algar: From the Old English name Aelfgar, meaning elf spear.In the 1930s, American government official Alger Hiss was accused of spying for the USSR. M
1385 Alger German Noble spearman. M
1386 Alger Teutonic Noble spear. M
1387 Algernon French With whiskers, bearded. In Norman times, when most men were clean-shaven, this nickname was given two mustache-wearing companions of William the Conqueror, one of whom was William de Percy, founder of the aristocratic Percy family. M
1388 Algie French Diminutive of Algernon: With whiskers, bearded. In Norman times, when most men were clean-shaven, this nickname was given two mustache-wearing companions of William the Conqueror. M
1389 Algot Scandinavian Surname. M

1390 Algrenon French Bearded. M
1391 Algy French Diminutive of Algernon: With whiskers, bearded. In Norman times, when most men were clean-shaven, this nickname was given two mustache-wearing companions of William the Conqueror. M
1392 Alhan Irish Pale. M
1393 Alhhard English Brave. M
1394 Alhmanic German Divine. M
1395 Alhric English Sacred ruler. M
1396 Alhrick English Sacred ruler. M
1397 Alhrik English Sacred ruler. M
1398 Alhsom German Sacred fame. M
1399 Alhwin German Noble friend. M
1400 Ali Muslim Variant of Ali: Excellent. Noble. Early Imam (Leader) of Islam.. M
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