Showing 1241 - 1260 of 3166 results. Page: 63 of 159
# Name Origin Meaning Save

1241 Alburn English Noble warrior. M
1242 Alburt English Noble or bright. M
1243 Alcaeus Latin A Greek poet. M
1244 Alcibiades Shakespearean 'The Life of Timon of Athens' A flattering lord, and an Athenian captain. M
1245 Alcinoos Greek Helps Odysseus return home. M
1246 Alcinous Greek Helps Odysseus return home. M
1247 Alcnaeon Greek One of the Thebes attackers. M
1248 Alcott English From the old cottage. M
1249 Alcuin Teutonic Noble friend. M

1250 Alcyoneus Greek Kingfisher. Alcyoneus fought against Athena in Greek mythology. M
1251 Ald German Old or wise. M
1252 Aldan English From the old manor. M
1253 Alddes Greek Descended from Alcaeus. M
1254 Alddes Latin Descended from Alcaeus. M
1255 Alden Anglo-Saxon Defender. M
1256 Alden English Variant of Aldwyn: From the Old English Ealdwine meaning old friend. A common name in the Middle Ages. Also wise friend, or from the old manor. M
1257 Alder English From the alder tree. M
1258 Aldfrith Anglo-Saxon Name of a king. M
1259 Aldhelm Anglo-Saxon Name of a bishop. M
1260 Aldhelm English From the Old English Ealdhelm, meaning old helmet, common until the Norman Conquest, and revived in the 19th century. M
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