Showing 1221 - 1240 of 3166 results. Page: 62 of 159
# Name Origin Meaning Save

1221 Albern English Noble warrior. M
1222 Albern Teutonic Noble bear. M
1223 Albert English Noble, bright. From the Old German name Adalbert. Famous bearers: Prince Albert was Queen Victoria's consort who gave enthusiastic support to the applications of science. Albert Einstein discovered the Theory of Relativity. M
1224 Albert German Intelligent or noble. M
1225 Albert Hungarian Bright or noble. M
1226 Albert Swedish Strong as a bear. M
1227 Albert Teutonic Illustrious. M
1228 Alberto English Variant of Albert: Old English for brilliant; bright. M
1229 Alberto Spanish Noble; bright. M

1230 Albie English Variant of Albert: Old English for brilliant; bright. M
1231 Albin English Variant of Albert: Old English for brilliant; bright; white. Alban and Albin are English surnames probably based on Spanish/Italian place name Alba. M
1232 Albin Latin From the Latin Albinus, meaning white.Variant of Alban: From Albanus meaning 'of Alba', the ancient Latin city Alba Longa, whose name derives from albus meaning white. St Alban was Britain's first martyr. M
1233 Albin Polish White. M
1234 Albinus Anglo-Saxon Name of an abbot. M
1235 Albinus Latin White. M
1236 Albion ArthurianLegend Britain. M
1237 Albion Celtic White cliffs. Ancient poetic name for Britain. M
1238 Albion Latin White mountain. M
1239 Albrecht English Variant of Albert: Old English for brilliant; bright; white. Alban and Albin are English surnames probably based on Spanish/Italian place name Alba. M
1240 Albrecht German Intelligent or noble. M
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